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whatwe do 

OUR fierce focus

While we recognize we cannot eliminate poverty or hunger, we can ensure that any child sustaining entire weekends without food, will be fed.

 We are seeing a shift from poverty elimination to a preventative methodology. We reduce barriers to accessing healthy food, which impacts immediate, short and long-term developmental outcomes for children and youth. Provision of food is a key prevention strategy impacting physical health, mental health and academic success, in breaking the cycle of poverty.


For many children, hunger is not just an occasional missed meal - it is a way of life. Children who live with chronic hunger develop physically and socially at a slower pace than their peers, experience higher levels of anxiety, hyperactivity, irritability and aggression. Even relatively short nutritional deficiencies can negatively impact a child’s health. 


When children receive the nourishment they need, a whole new world opens up. They can concentrate better in class, have higher energy levels, improve test scores and attendance, and become more social. 


If we are truly committed to breaking the root causes of poverty, we need to focus resources on children ensuring they are provided the tools needed to grow, thrive and succeed.


Number of Students  receiving weekly food packages

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Number of Students we hope to add in the 2020/21 school year

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Our Focus


without hunger



I never thought our family would depend on others for food

"I never thought our family would depend on others for food. With a medical problem, I had no choice but to quit work. As a single parent raising 2 great kids, there is barely enough money for rent, little money for food and absolutely no money for extras. When the school asked if I would like to involve my kids in the Food4Kids program, all I could do was cry. Knowing my children have food brings comfort. The fresh fruits, soups and healthy snacks are appreciated. Thank you for this service. The volunteers at Food4Kids are angels."

— Parent

He arrived at school each day 
with just one piece of white bread
that was moldy
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